DH & I just spent a morning at the Nikon School of Photography in La Lucia Durban, not to do photography that will have to wait. To learn about our new Nikon D3100, it was really very interesting.
There were 24 people & I felt that was a lot but it did work, the lecturer Mark Young was very good, he's an international photographer & gave us lots of good tips & laughs at common faults but what impressed me more was his knowledge of the camera.
He was very comfortable with it, never had to look up anything & was quite happy to help all of us, he had a super way of making you do it - rather than show you how and for me that really works.
Everything was hands on & he had us taking photos changing settings & getting different results - I enjoyed it thoroughly but by the end of 4 hours I was just overloaded with knowledge & technical jargon, thank heavens DH & I did it together because we both can't forget the same thing hopefully.
So we decided to go for a light lunch at Gateway, why I am not so sure because everyone was there aaaahh I can't stand crowded places but we found a relaxed table & enjoyed lunch, thank fully it was much easier going out than in.
On our way home our DD said to stop off at her house & see her garden, she has started with nothing & has got her lawn going, a few roses & a few shrubs, its coming on. What she was so excited about was her old wheelbarrow which she had planted bulbs in & they are sprouting, I am not sure how well they will do in durbs but we'll have to wait & see.
So now its off to have a nanna nap lol I need it.