Thursday, February 17, 2011

Life is good today 17 Feb 2011

Loved this sign !!

My kind of boat !!

Today is Maddie's birthday (DS girlfriend) & she is lovely, so happy happy birthday Maddie hope it was a day of dreams.

The only thing that drives me nuts here in our little bit of paradise is mozzies ! They bite me not hubby why who knows. I have tried everything, at about 4pm I get about 8 lots of mozzie repellant coils & start burning them - I think they make no difference. So anyone with answers or tips please help. They even get under the mozzie net.


Jenny said...

Insect repellent spray! Hope the food at that restaurant was nice!

Lynette Jacobs said...

I am a firm believer in Tabart lotion. It looks so magical there.