Today, I am exhausted but tomorrow will be much better, I have finished my big company year end & have two more to go.
I am going to do as much as I can & do the rest tomorrow, my days of working night & day to get finished are actually behind me - I used to be so painful about it but I have realised a few extra days really doesn't matter.
There are somethings that are so important and there are some that really are not top priority, I need to put my boundaries down & get my priorities in place. Sounds logical & practical sometimes its just not that simple.
So this year I will travel more with hubby, do less volunteering & actually take a step back. It doesn't mean I will blob or opt out just be more particular to what I say yes to. Sounds selfish & to be honest it probably is a bit but I want to grow in God & also have some "me" time.
Starting with just taking the time to be grateful for my life and everybody in it. Last week we said goodbye to a dear friend who had battled cancer with gusto & faith & humour - she was such a blessing but it bought it back to me that we don't know how many days we have & why waste them on unimportant things.
So I hope I can look back on this year as a year that I found the balance that I need.
I totally agree with you. I have decided that if I have the books closed off by the 15th of this month, I am happy. Then I have to catch up on this months books again. It is a never ending story.
Good to have a plan and know where you are going xxx
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